Prayer marathons, “Maranathons”

« God is Love » (1Jn 4, 8).

« May two or three, indeed, be gathered in my name,
 I’m here in the middle of them. » (Mt 18, 20)

« I am the vine; you are the branches.
He who dwells in me, and I in him, that one bears much fruit;
because there’s nothing you can do outside of me. » (Jn 15, 5)


A multitude of modern whistleblowers describe to us the different crises of the world. The “Maranatha” movement offers to organize “prayer shields” against the darkness that everywhere submerges the world. Individually, everyone feels that they are weak and largely powerless. As in Politics, unity is strength for spirituality. The Curé of Ars noted:”[The Christian] unites all his actions, all his sorrows, all his prayers and all the beats of his heart to the merits of the whole Church… It is almost like the one who gathers a pile of straw and sets it on fire; the flame rises high, it makes a blaze; if one sets fire only to a single straw, it is extinguished immediately. »
To awaken fervour, we organize “prayer marathons”, i.e. times of intense prayer over two days.


We know that in many Marian shrines around the world, non-Christians come to pray, with love, for their loved ones, for peace. Of course, we are well aware that there are anti-Christian elements everywhere in other religions, but we look at man. Man has, by nature, a conscience that makes him feel, for example, that lying, stealing, raping, killing is not good, but that it is necessary to take care of his loved ones and honor the divinity by seeking the divine will. That being said, we are Christians and we want to start by bringing together Christians of different denominations and together become able to create a new dynamic to join the faithful of other spiritual traditions in order to intercede together for the world to heal.


Prayer marathons are held every 5th and 6th of each month. The “Maranathons” start with a day of dialogue every 4th of the month.

A day of dialogue every 4th of the month?

Pope Francis never ceases to ask us to meet others, to become friends, brothers and sisters with each other, to break down the walls that are erected by those who wish to create chaos. Creating a space for spiritual and fraternal dialogue that allows regular monthly, meetings has become essential to meet the challenges of those who wish to make the inhabitants of the world rise up against each other. Every 4th of the month, on the eve of all the “Maranathons”, a cultural meeting is proposed around art, an exhibition, a show and/or artists’ testimonies or a film or documentary with a spiritual theme. Art is a universal subject and can transcend differences, it also brings together very different people, it makes dialogue possible.

How ? Prayer with the heart..

This “Maranathon” can vary in form. For Catholics it can be: the divine office of the hours, the psalms, the prayer of Jesus, the Acathist hymn to the Mother of God, the Rosary, songs of praise, Eucharistic adoration, a prolonged reading of the Word of God, a Way of the Cross, a special devotion (rosary of the Divine Mercy, devotion to the Precious Blood…).

The person in charge has, of course, the agreement of the rector of the sanctuary or the priest. The group can start with two or three. The prayers are sufficiently universal. From hour to hour we try to vary the people who animate.

It is possible and good to live moments of silent prayer in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, for example. We insist on the fact that these are days of prayer with the heart and not days of teaching; the latter have all their importance but not within the framework of the vocation of the “Maranathons”.


Participants who wish to do so can join their prayers with fasting to respond to Jesus’ invitation: “If you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain “Take yourself from here to there” and it will be transported; nothing will be impossible for you. But this kind of demon is only driven out by fasting and prayer” (Matthew 17:21).
Whether it is prayer or fasting, it is a personal decision of each person who will feel called to join a “Maranathon”.
It is also a time for concrete sharing with less fortunate brothers and sisters and those who feel called will be able to offer, if they so wish, the equivalent of the price of the meal or meals not consumed to a charity of their choice.
The “Maranathons” propose to support the Pontifical Foundation “Aid to the Church in Need” which supports Christians throughout the world.


“Maranathons” are deployed in spiritual high places: for Catholics it is mainly recognized Marian shrines, including places forgotten over the generations. But the Holy Spirit blows where He will and can show the indication of other places…

Brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations or other religious traditions may feel called to found a group in their temples, mosques, synagogues, or simply in nature… and we can meet every 4th of the month for privileged times of dialogue on spiritual themes. We recommend to have the prior agreement of the person in charge of the place (church, basilica, temple, sanctuary, synagogue…) if it must be a prayer gathering more than two or three people (therefore a group).

There is no high place in the “Maranathon” that is more important than any other. ALL are unique and indispensable. Let us each become personally responsible for these blessed places which become for us like “little Noah’s Arks” where we can go to recharge our batteries, take refuge, even on another day of the month, in a moment when we feel called to do so! The idea, in the end, is to pray unceasingly, to pray with the heart… It is through our faithful commitment that we can rekindle the flame of these precious places, give them back their sacred mission as a privileged place to enter into a personal relationship with God, whatever the face that God has in our hearts.

The Maranathons under the protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe

On Thursday, January 18, 2018, in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, we received a real-size relic of the miraculous image given by the Virgin Mary to Saint Juan Diego on December 12, 1531. This relic is now on display at the Sakramento Peace Center in Medjugorje. We have decided to choose her as the protector of the Maranathons movement because Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Protector of Life. That is why we have chosen an element of the icon in our logo: the Nahui Ollin. This flower with four petals is placed on Mary’s belly. For the Aztecs, the four-petalled flower called “Nahui Ollín” or “4-Movement” summarized all the knowledge of the world, a world already destroyed four times. The central sign indicated the Fifth Sun, the time when humanity lived. The Nahui Ollín was known to all pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, such as those of the Olmecs, Maya or Toltecs.

This simple flower, also called Mexican jasmine, is the manifestation of God, omnipresent, eternal, always in motion, since He is the master of Life, the master of heaven and earth. The Aztecs were convinced that the Fifth Sun would be the last creation of humanity, an era that would end in a great earthquake.
This four-petalled flower is also the solar flower, always in motion. The Sun being celebrated on the feast of Nahui Ollín, it also represented the four cardinal points or the four directions of the Universe.

On the Sunstone of the Aztec calendar is located in the center the Fifth Sun as a pivot around which the other four eras rotate in a movement of Nahui Ollín, symbol of the center of history, principle and end of the world. Integrating concept of all the cultural and religious values of Mexican civilization. The number 5 refers to the relationship between humanity and divinity. The flower of Nahui Ollín is placed on the belly of the Miraculous Image.

In the “Nican Mopohua”, the Virgin presents herself as the Mother of Ipalnemohuani and Tloque Nahuaque, two names of the only God creator. The Nahui Ollín placed at the place of the fetus announces to the Aztecs that the being carried in Her will be the God of the Fifth Sun. Huitzilopochtli, a warlike and bloody sun, was definitively defeated, replaced by a civilization in perfect harmony with the cosmos. A promise made by Quetzalcoatl to his people on his return.

MEDJUGORJE, at the heart of the “Maranathons” movement

The Medjugorje Shrine has a very special place in the worldwide movement of “Maranathons” because Medjugorje attracts faithful from all over the world with testimonies of many conversions but also because Medjugorje is located in a very symbolic country, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the geographical heart of Europe but also the place where East and West meet.

At the Sakramento Peace Centre “Maranathons” begin in Medjugorje in February 2019.

It is also at the Sakramento Peace Centre are offered moments of reflection and training for those who want to become involved, in the Maranatha-Conversion movement.

Registration for « Maranathons » IN Medjugorje :

We welcome and host all those who wish to join us for the monthly « Maranathon » in Medjugorje at the Sakramento Peace Center and Masion d’ Béthaniee.

In Medjugorje because liturgical spaces are few Apostolic Visitator – Arch-Bishop Henryk Hoser and Saint James Parish Pastor Father Marinko Sakota  are encouraging the building of additional facilities or adapting existing places.

We need to know how many people will be joining us, so we would be grateful if you would register by telling us your name, a contact to reach you by Whatsapp or Viber and the number in your group. This is important because it allows us to organize ourselves in case there are more than 100 people – the capacity of the « Sakramento » Peace Center in Medjugorje – to allow us to reserve additional near-by accommodations.

We offer participants who wish to join us in fasting and prayer to share together, at noon, the mid-day fasting meal as it is proposed by the Virgin Mary: bread and water.

Regular pilgrims to Medjugorje who already have their habits and do not need help to organize a pilgrimage; may simply register for the « Maranathons ».
For pilgrims who have never come to Medjugorje and who would not only want to live a « Maranathon » but also discover the spiritual realities of this particular place – for them we have established a program of pilgrimages. We wanted this program to be as complete as possible because pilgrims asked us to do it.

Pilgrims on pilgrimages proposed by the association « Maranatha Medjugorje » will be with us throughout the week and pilgrims who wish to come only to join the prayer times, are welcome on the 5th and 6th of the month and also, if they wish on the 4th in the afternoon for the time of exchange and dialogue.

THE « Maranathons » in shrines and spiritual centers around the world :

Depending on where you want to live the « Maranathon », you can register with the rector of the Shrine – pastor of the Church – manager of the spiritual center and indicate the number in your prayer group. You can also, if you wish and when possible, register in the hotel of the sanctuary or a place close by in case you desire to spend the 3 days of the Maranathon.

A radical approach to prayer is an experience that uplifts hearts and bears fruit in abundance. To offer oneself time to enter into dialogue with God is not a luxury but a necessity. Our contemporary world has almost forgotten the power of prayer and often the women and men of our time have never had the opportunity to meet the love of God. This personal relationship changes lives, gives our lives meaning, restores courage, hope, strength, also makes us want to get involved with others, get involved in finding solutions to the challenges our world is facing and it will be possible because we will have found in God, in others, and in ourselves the grace to motivate us.

The « Maranathons » are a daring proposal to take time for yourself, intense prayer time, for a heart to heart with God, in communion with brothers and sisters present and throughout the world in precious places, steeped in spiritual history.

What are the prayer intentions of the « Maranathons » ?

It is difficult to pray for peace in the world if one has sorrows and conflicts. During the « Maranathons » we pray for our own intentions, and for the intentions entrusted to us but as « Maranathoniens » we all pray together around the theme of the universal intentions proposed by Pope Francis. We can, for this, be inspired by the « videos of the Pope » which are linked on the site of « Maranatha Conversion » and can be seen on this site:

The site « Maranatha Conversion » will announce each month, the Pope’s universal intention.

Why is it important for all of us to join the « World Network of Pope’s Prayer » ?

Pope Francis is one of the few personalities who inspire so many people in the world. His word is listened to by Christians but also by people from other spiritual or philosophical traditions. His prayer intentions touch hearts. Uniting all together, around the world, for the prayer purpose of Pope Francis is our priority because we are convinced of the power of prayer and so if we are thousands and then millions to pray for these intentions, our prayer will bear fruit.

Pape Francis continually urges all Christians to get closer to each other together in ecumenical meetings and also through inter-religious dialogue with faithful of other spiritual traditions – especially because we must defend together the common home of our small planet. We must respond concretely and also regularly to these constant and insistent requests to unite all the people of the world because we think that it is the only solution to preserve and protect all life !

What do you mean by « Network of Light » ?

In a world where everything seems to darken, where opaque clouds hide the sun and hope, all together, through our prayer and fasting, we will be able to become candles that eventually pierce the darkness. Everyone will become a source of light and all together, all the men and women of good will, will create this « Network of light ».

The name is also a nod to the fact that we join the « World Network of Pope’s Prayer » and so by entering this network together we become the « Network of light ».

A network…

From one place to another, from one “Maranathon” to another, people will befriend each other in a spiritual fraternity. A dynamic that is created may also be fruitful in terms of charitable works.

The Volunteer Charter: under development.

Contact us…

Do you want to be part of this movement? Do you want to know if a “Maranathon” already exists near you? Want to launch a “Maranathon”?

Contact us !

Summary of “Maranathons” located on a world map